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发布者:cj_shiyannuo   发布时间:2017-09-11 10:03:49   点击数:

如:教师在使用肯定学生的课堂表现时,一定要让学生感到老师是在由衷地夸奖他。要避免敷衍和流于形式。不要滥用‘Good’。有的老师过多地单一使用 ‘Good’ 评价学生的表现,很难使学生从中受到激励,激发学习的积极性。可尝试更多的英语:
Not bad. Thank you. (I’m sure you can do better next time.)
Good!Thank you. (I could see you’ve practiced a lot.)
Good boy/ girl . That’s a good answer. Thank you.
Quite good! (I really appreciate your effort.)
Very good!(I really enjoy it.)
Great! (You did a good job.)
Excellent! (Let’s give him/her a big hand!)
Wonderful!(I’m so proud of you.)
Well done! (Good boy/girl.)
Your answer is very good! (I admire your work.)
Nice going! (You make a great progress.)
What a bright idea! Thank you.
That’s a great answer. (I really like it.)
You did a good job! (We’re so proud of you!)
Good point! (I really enjoy it.)
Good job! (I'm very pleased with your work.)
Smart! (What an adorable baby!)
Clever! (I envy you very much。 )
Perfect! (You're very professional.)
You are such a smart boy/girl!
You got sharp eyes/ears.
I couldn’t believe my ears!
Is it good?
Isn’t it a good answer?
Do you like his/her answer/reading?
Did he/she do a good job?
That’s a fantastic answer, isn’t it?
He/she did an excellent job, didn’t he/she?
当学生犯错误时,教师要避免使用否定的评价语言,如:You are wrong. It’s not correct. 对回答不出问题来的学生不要简单地使用“Sit down”,要给他们可能获得成功的机会,鼓励他们,保护他们的学习积极性。如:
That’s very close. Go on!
It’s almost right. Try again, please.
Come on! Think it over. I’m sure you can do it.
I’m sure you can do it if you really try. (See? You did it really well.)
Sorry, I’m sure you can do it better next time.
I’m sorry. Would you like a second try? /Would you like to try again?
Not bad. Go on, please.
Come on, It’s very close.
It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can do it better next time.


